What should I upgrade first/last?


Jul 23, 2017
Hi all, I'm really struggling on what priority to upgrade my computer. I'd like to class myself as a gamer and do enjoy good graphics and performance. Below are my specs, please let me know what you believe should be my next upgrade priority?

CPU - i7 4770k
Mother board - Asus Z97K
GPU - GTX 770
RAM - DDR3 vengeance 2x 8gb
Storage - 120 gb SSD (for system files and some games) and a 1tb HDD

If you would like any more detail please let me know, any help and the reasoning for your choice would be great.. thanks all!
Upgrade the graphics card this is adamant if you want a great gaming experience. I'd recommend the 1060 6gb however if you are on a budget then I would also recommend the 1050ti