What Should I Upgrade In Order To Get More Power?


Sep 17, 2017
I built this pc a little over a year ago on a budget and only used it for making videos and very light gaming. I was playing games such as league of legends and runescape which arent very heavy at all. I recently began to play PUBG and honestly i was kind of unhappy with the performance i got..

The main question i have is what would be worth upgrading in order to receive more power? If you were to upgrade one or two things from this current build what would you get and why?

My build as of right now is as follows
Asus z170 Gaming Aura Mobo
Corsair H100
2x8Gb Corsair Vengeance RAM
1Tb Hard drive (no ssd)
ASUS GTX 1050Ti 4gb
i5 6600k @ 3.5ghz (not overclocked as im unaware of how to do it correctly)
cx750m power supply
PUBG is a poor estimation of performance as, while it's improving, it's far from perfectly optimized.

I'd monitor your utilization of the CPU/GPU, and judge from there. Are either of the two getting close to 100% utilization in game?
I'd expect the 1050TI to max out before the 6600K does.

Overclocking the 6600K would be a good place to start:
Skylake overclocking guide:

A 6600K can pair nicely with stronger GPUs, so that's an option too. I'd step up to at least a GTX 1070 though.
While a 1060 is an improvement, I don't feel it's an improvement that'll "feel" proportionate to the money spent.

The CX750 isn't the best PSU, so...


Dec 28, 2016
well its actually quite a solid build. CPU really good and good choices all over. The only thing that you can upgrade to get more performance is your GPU but it would be a shame to get a new GPU from the same generation for the sake of an upgrade. If you really wanna buy a new GPU then wait a bit cuz the new generation of Nvidia GPUs is right around the corner.


Retired Moderator
PUBG is a poor estimation of performance as, while it's improving, it's far from perfectly optimized.

I'd monitor your utilization of the CPU/GPU, and judge from there. Are either of the two getting close to 100% utilization in game?
I'd expect the 1050TI to max out before the 6600K does.

Overclocking the 6600K would be a good place to start:
Skylake overclocking guide:

A 6600K can pair nicely with stronger GPUs, so that's an option too. I'd step up to at least a GTX 1070 though.
While a 1060 is an improvement, I don't feel it's an improvement that'll "feel" proportionate to the money spent.

The CX750 isn't the best PSU, so while not critical, I'd budget to replace that sooner than later.
Not known for stability in the long-run and, especially overclocking, may not be stable.


Sep 17, 2017
The CPU is hitting 100% surprisingly..if not 100 its up in the high 90's close to 100 almost at all times..
what psu would you recommend? price isnt an issue.



Retired Moderator
Really? Wow, wasn't expecting that. An OC will help that some, for sure.
What does the GPU utilization look like? If that's also in the 90-100% range, you've got a well balanced system.
As I mentioned though, PUBG is a poor baseline.

As for a PSU, depends on your location.
Assuming you're in the US, and ok with rebates:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($36.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $36.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-12-19 15:29 EST-0500

Can't really be beaten for the price. You don't need anywhere close to 750W, and a quality, stable PSU is always preferred over a high wattage, potentially unstable unit. While the S12II is an older platform at this point, it's still great quality.