Hi, i was wondering about what should i do to improve my computer more for playing games, what parts would you recommend upgrading to improve my gaming experience and my general use experience? My current system is displayed below.
If you have any questions please ask.
Case: Zalman Z9 Plus (Fan upgrade?)
CPU: i5 3470 / 3.2ghz (Overclock?)
RAM: Kingston 8gb 1600mhz DDR3
HDD: 1TB and 500gb Western digital HDD (Add SSD?)
Networking: WIRELESS 802.11N 150Mbps ( Was thinking of trying Ethernet would cause annoyance as router is bottom floor and in an attic)
GPU: Asus GeForce GTX770 2gb OC
MOBO: ASUS® P8H61-MX Micro ATX (Full size ATX?)
PSU: Corsair 750w
CPU Fan: Intel standard cooler.
I was personally thinking of a a new CPU cooler to allow OC and also a SSD to boot quicker (120gb?) and maybe a full size ATX MOBO. Temperatures are quite good i think i get around 20 degrees idle and 55 degrees under load but i was considering noctua fans as the fans that came with the case are aesthetically pleasing they are quite loud.
Maybe further down the line looking at a sound card and Fan Filters?
If i have left anything out please let me know.
If you have any questions please ask.
Case: Zalman Z9 Plus (Fan upgrade?)
CPU: i5 3470 / 3.2ghz (Overclock?)
RAM: Kingston 8gb 1600mhz DDR3
HDD: 1TB and 500gb Western digital HDD (Add SSD?)
Networking: WIRELESS 802.11N 150Mbps ( Was thinking of trying Ethernet would cause annoyance as router is bottom floor and in an attic)
GPU: Asus GeForce GTX770 2gb OC
MOBO: ASUS® P8H61-MX Micro ATX (Full size ATX?)
PSU: Corsair 750w
CPU Fan: Intel standard cooler.
I was personally thinking of a a new CPU cooler to allow OC and also a SSD to boot quicker (120gb?) and maybe a full size ATX MOBO. Temperatures are quite good i think i get around 20 degrees idle and 55 degrees under load but i was considering noctua fans as the fans that came with the case are aesthetically pleasing they are quite loud.
Maybe further down the line looking at a sound card and Fan Filters?
If i have left anything out please let me know.