Strictly speaking on a market and need base, I think the best update would be to get the CPU first, Monitor second, and top off with the GPU.
CPU first - because 1150 socket CPUs are out of production but still readily available. Eventually, though, there will be a premium added as the part supply dwindles. Unless you buy used, of course..
Monitor second - because again, the cost of monitors doesn't fluctuate much. Not to mention, you see more benefit adding a monitor that can handle 144Hz as opposed to having a better GPU that's handicapped due to the 60Hz you're likely running now. You'll get a noticeable difference. Get a better GPU first and you'll see no difference.
GPU Third - over time, and thanks to renewed competition, GPU prices will get lower while features get added. With Vega around the corner, Nvidia is going to have to react. They already reacted to their own 1080 Ti by dropping prices of the 1070 and 1080.