What should i upgrade?


Sep 30, 2015
Hi, Nandit from New Delhi , India
i've got 20k rupees for a new build which isnt much , and also if i sell my previous components , i may get 3-4k more - the total comes in 23k minimum
now, i want an amd processor ( as i have an amd board) , a graphic card , a case and a psu
i have settled for 2 options after wandering the web for days

1.i'm getting a 7870+corsair vs650+dragon chaos gaming mouse-and a cooler master tx3 , all of which are used for 13k .. and a fx 8120 processor (used ) which i got for about 6 k , and 4-5k for a new case.

2.i'm getting a r9 280x for 15k (used) and buy a processor (used ) for about 3.5k (i'm getting a phenom 2 955 )... and buy a shitty case and a vs450 (used) which i'm getting for about 4k total (case and psu)

and i game whenever i have a chance (gaming is love , gaming is life)
i'm very confused, i won't be able to upgrade the pc for almost 2-3 years after this
and no , i cant pool in more money,

also , all the things i've mentioned that are used have some warranty with them ...

thank you in advance for the advice guys :)
The r9 280X and the HD 7970 are basically identical. They use the same chip and have basically the same performance, especially if you overclock. Provided that everything is in good condition, the first option sounds like a much better deal.
The 8120 is ok, but you will get better performance from a 63xx or 83xx series CPU if you can get one for a similar price.

i've got a 7870 man , also the 8120 is better than 6300 , i guess , and i don't want to do any overclocking too..
TH 280x has maybe 30%-40% better performance than the 7870. You won't be able to see that difference, though, with a Phenom II 955.
I don't know prices in India, but I think the 280x is overpriced, especially for used. It is definitely the better card for the future, though, but not without a decent CPU.

The faster clocks and newer architecture of the 63xx/83xx series makes them better for most gaming situations.

Can you please specify the amt of PSU wattage I need ? I'm thinking of buying a better quality psu of lower wattage ...