i m looking to buy a new sound system for gaming and movies ....i came to know from few posts that audizy 2 zs is good card but i really what is the difference between the variants zs gamers ed/ zs platinum/zs platimun pro .....which one should i go for ...and how much max should i pay for it ....is there anything better than this ......or should i stick to my onboarad sound of 865G (can it play 5.1 sound .....well i really don't know how big diffrence it makes when u shift to 6.1 or 7.1 from 5.1)...
also what speaker will suit best for my needs .....if i go for 5.1 or 6.1 ....again is it like creative sound cards are best complimented by creative speakers....plz help !
my budget is around $ 200 for both sound card and speakers...though i can fetch a little more depending on upgradability and quality
i m doomed!!!
also what speaker will suit best for my needs .....if i go for 5.1 or 6.1 ....again is it like creative sound cards are best complimented by creative speakers....plz help !
my budget is around $ 200 for both sound card and speakers...though i can fetch a little more depending on upgradability and quality
i m doomed!!!