[SOLVED] What the heck is this thing? Can someone help?!


Dec 8, 2018
I recently had to exchange my motherboard and I successfully got my build done. Now I notice there is a USB port I cannot seem to plug in. Anyone tell me if this is normal or what?

I am using an ASUS ROG STRIX Z390 Gaming E


Can anyone tell me if that metal or whatever tab is on top supposed to be there? 😵
It would only take a few screws and a few minutes to fix, but if you insist on not removing the motherboard you can ignore that port.
Another, less gentle option is to get some pliers in there and bend the tab towards the camera, and keep bending it until it is out of the way.

But, any solution besides removing the motherboard or ignoring it is more likely to cause damage.
that is the I/O shield. that tab thing is supposed to sit on the top edge of the USB port. it is a USB port By the way.

I/O shields, there are many differing ones


remove the motherboard, bend it back, and replace the motherboard.
if you are uncomfortable doing that it may be actionable under the warranty assuming its a pre-built. (looks pre-built)
Well is there a solution you can offer? There is no way in hell I am uninstalling it. I WENT through two days of hell making this work. I had a bad motherboard at first and then I exchanged it and I don't wanna make another mistake and end up with another motherboard? I CAN ignore using it or is there a way I can bend it out and then rip it off or just leave it up? UGH! Got any macgyver advice without hurting the mobo? UGH!! I don't wanna uninstall it (cries)..
It would only take a few screws and a few minutes to fix, but if you insist on not removing the motherboard you can ignore that port.
Another, less gentle option is to get some pliers in there and bend the tab towards the camera, and keep bending it until it is out of the way.

But, any solution besides removing the motherboard or ignoring it is more likely to cause damage.