I broke my msi gpu and I need to know what thermal paste they use because I need to get it back looking untouched as possible in order for them to honor the warranty.
no, not gonna get any dictionary, i am not a smart ass, i am a technician who had to deal with this kind of crap in the past, people messing up things and sending them for warranty, expecting the technician to pay for their lack of knowledge, lack of intelligence or lack of consideration of what is right or wrong
perhaps you could go and apply the warranty and buy a dictionary, also search for this word in it
I wouldn't worry about it, it's not worth their time to get into an argument with customers over something like this. As long as you're covered by your warranty you should be good. The ethical/moral issue is up to you to live with.
I wouldn't worry about it, it's not worth their time to get into an argument with customers over something like this. As long as you're covered by your warranty you should be good. The ethical/moral issue is up to you to live with.
don't worry I'm not gonna be losing sleep over a getting new card from multi million dollar company
the person who gets the gpu and has to acept or deny the warranty has to repond for any mistake made by the owner if he fails to find out the gpu was disasambled and messed up
if you didn't cleanded the gpu, the gpu processor in the first place, why do you ask for a thermal compound to cover up your mess and try to mess up someones day on the warranty laboratory?
ethical and moral here is don't mess up things and don't expect to make others pay for your mistakes
buy another and learn to be careful and don' mess up things you don't know how to handle
the person who gets the gpu and has to acept or deny the warranty has to repond for any mistake made by the owner if he fails to find out the gpu was disasambled and messed up
if you didn't cleanded the gpu, the gpu processor in the first place, why do you ask for a thermal compound to cover up your mess and try to mess up someones day on the warranty laboratory?
ethical and moral here is don't mess up things and don't expect to make others pay for your mistakes
buy another and learn to be careful and don' mess up things you don't know how to handle
again buddy, you're not being too clear on what that word means "cleanded"? Perhaps try reading a dictionary....
i will, when you understand that your messed up gpu shouldn't be moved to warranty, so you get another to mess up too
if you didn't liked the reply, then it must mean you are trying to understand what i wrote and got my logic so you are trying to hide the fact that the ethical/moral side is not right
i will, when you understand that your messed up gpu shouldn't be moved to warranty, so you get another to mess up too
if you didn't liked the reply, then it must mean you are trying to understand what i wrote and got my logic so you are trying to hide the fact that the ethical/moral side is not right
anyway, enjoy your new gpu
no, I just don't like smart asses. anyway enjoy your new dictionary
no, not gonna get any dictionary, i am not a smart ass, i am a technician who had to deal with this kind of crap in the past, people messing up things and sending them for warranty, expecting the technician to pay for their lack of knowledge, lack of intelligence or lack of consideration of what is right or wrong
perhaps you could go and apply the warranty and buy a dictionary, also search for this word in it
MSI is very good on customers trying to improve their gpu's with better thermal paste or better application. Even adding water cooling blocks, as long as they don't damage any parts of the gpu. Give them a call for more information.