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"Coach Wyatt" <> wrote in message
> suggestions?
That's what's so great about GTA games. They're wide open to the use of
your imagination.
My favorite thing to do after completing VC was to do all of the missions
again -- looking for ways to play with them. Some of them had hours and
hours of entertaining things you could do with them (Sir, Yes Sir; Martha's
Mug Shot; the mission with the female printing plate couriers). I've only
just begun this is SA. In the mission Sweet and Kendl, for example, when
your supposed to ride a bike back to Grove Street with the Homies, I've done
such things as use the jetpack cheat to get the rocket launcher (from the
roof of a nearby building) and blow up the car full of Ballas that chase
you. (Remember how helpless Carl was against them in the beginning? If you
don't want to cheat, you can go get grenades. You can even get the rocket
launcher without a cheat, by stealing the Dodo at the airport.) I've tried
running over Ryder and the others in a car (they do NOT fall off their
bikes), and shooting them (they're almost indestructible, but a rocket or
grenade will take them out and fail the mission). Next, I want to see if I
can trap them inside the bike park. They cut through it on the way home. I
want to see if I can block their exit with a fire truck, and see what they
do about it. Things like that. Later, more complex missions will have even
more things you can do to play with them.
I'm also on a mission to explore every square foot of SA -- look behind
every corner, so to speak. In VC, that took about 5 or 6 long playing
sessions. In SA, because of the size and the fact you can explore Z, too,
via the jet pack, I'm about 3/4 of the way through exploring LS and the
surrounding area that's open to CJ at the beginning of the game -- after a
couple of MONTHS. (SA is just plain more DENSE in detail than VC was, too.)
And there are the casinos games and pool and the Beat the Cock races and the
girl friends and the Unique Jumps, burglaries, etc., which I haven't
explored much yet because they weren't required for 100%.
I figure I will not get bored with SA before the next GTA comes out. (By
the time SA came out, I was only just beginning to feel like I had pretty
much exhausted VC.)