Question What to do with an identical Windows Surface 3?

Apr 27, 2020
A prayer sent up to the gods of techedness,
I own a windows surface 3, and I wish I had seen Linus Rex's review first, but alas, I did not.
My co worker gave me His 100% identical Surface, with a busted screen.
So I open it up, and all the components are wrapped in that silver stuff, and read about
how hard it was going to be to "finish" taking out the old surface and adding a new one.
So, that wasn't gonna happen, so Im left with all these components, and I would like to know
if I can use anything Inside the other Surface? I want to make a "super surface", originally the idea was to make it a 2 sided touch screen double surface, velcroed together or something, but I saw how hard the screen was to fix,

Is there anything here I can use to pimp my own Surface?
If not, what is salvageable and usable elsewhere?
I guess my question is: what can you re purpose from a surface 3 with no screen.

I do have a saw, Dremel, whatever

Any help is much appreciated
Well, I got the back sawed off of mine, (rototool )thinking to use #Surface 2's back to mod an easier way in. Literally any idea wodld be an improvement.
I sure do wish someone knew alot about Surface tabs, all these Christmas gifts wrapped up amd still

I have no idea how to improve from here.
I'm gonna go sdkateboarDN old man style before the tourons return,
And think about it

And watch out for my fans in Blue