What to do with extra i7 32gb PC I was given


Sep 10, 2013
Hi I was given a i7 32GB computer but I already have a power house Rig with a Titan XP & ROG Formula IX & a i7 7700k 32GB..

I have already built computers for my family members, So I want to incorporate it into my setup.. I do I've been getting into virtual desktops, but am mostly familiar with the Vmware & Virtual Box.. I tried looking into Clustering so I could take advantage of the extra power even though I don't need it.. I cheked out the HTCondor software for Task distrabution over both computers hardware. I also looked at a 2 computer 1 operating system Image VM..

Also I have been looking into deep learning Nvidia Machines driven by Linux but its very hard for me to understand.

I thought about making it a headless workhorse that someone had mentioned on a forum I was searching about using the computer through Team viewer on my main desktop.. I like the I deah of that but it sounds kind of ehhh.

I really want to utilize this extra horse power at my disposal. A media server dosent interest me.. But server might if I can utilize the Both cpus for tasking..

Please give me some Ideahs thank yoou..
The real question we'd need to ask you is
what do you actually do on a day to day basis?
I understand you have a mighty work horse at the moment but what do you tax it with? Depending on the answer you will get a tailored response and possible usage scenarios that'll benefit you, the system and ofc your utility bills.

If you game, stream and also edit your content and are a content creator the secondary system will come in handy. If you do all that with one rig, comfortably, then you're better off stripping it down for parts/cash or act as a donor system.

Oh yeah, please list your gifted machine's specs like so:

I'm assuming your existing system's specs are that found in your sig space? If so please add that into your post body since this thread will become irrelevant when your sig space changes(per your upgrades).
Your question is much like "I have a Ferrari, and all family members have Porsche's. I was given a GRT, what to do with it?"

1. Install eg Folding-at-Home client, run it at full speed.
2. Sell it.
3. Donate it to a kid in need / Goodwill / SA
In case 2 and 3 - make sure all the software there is legal, and no personal data remains.
Please please bare with me this might start to get a little complicated I have been studying as hard as I can about hypervisors, Vm, Networking, Servers, Mainframes,

NOW my I have a complete command center, My Idea has been molding closer to this image in my head..

Type 1 bare metal vs Type 2 hosted hypervisors, and the VT-x extension: Basics of virtualization

I know this guys voice is kind of annoying its fairly long but totally worth it. but this explains clearly what I am purposing, this is by far the best explanation on this subject & easier to understand then any other tutorial or a overview on this subject.. Please Watch.

Type 1 bare metal vs Type 2 hosted hypervisors, and the VT-x extension

I am thinking of setting up the new computer as a LAN network type 1 Hypervizor headless work horse that will some how be able to be controlled through a interface/ GUI software like HTCondor & run multiple operating systems at full hardware capability running startup and shutdown together in a windows formatted host master to slave network multi OS Headless Workhorse computer?

I might need a to the bones Remote access powerful viewer software to?

Please help Thanks

By the way here's a Picture of my rig her names Medusa

https://ibb.co/bC12ue mesdussa

Heres a Picture Of the bare hardware of the Sabertooth z87 & i7 4770k