Hi! I I decided to get my old rig upgraded and I dont know what to upgrade first the CPU or the GPU ?
My Current Specs:
CPU: FX 6300 4.0 GHz
GPU: GT 630 2gb :/
RAM: HyperX Fury x1 8GB DDR3
MOBO: Asus M5A78L-M LX3
If I upgrade the GPU I will choose 1060 probably or will wait for the new VEGA
My Current Specs:
CPU: FX 6300 4.0 GHz
GPU: GT 630 2gb :/
RAM: HyperX Fury x1 8GB DDR3
MOBO: Asus M5A78L-M LX3
If I upgrade the GPU I will choose 1060 probably or will wait for the new VEGA