What to Upgrade first CPU or GPU ?


Dec 30, 2016
Hi! I I decided to get my old rig upgraded and I dont know what to upgrade first the CPU or the GPU ?
My Current Specs:
CPU: FX 6300 4.0 GHz
GPU: GT 630 2gb :/
RAM: HyperX Fury x1 8GB DDR3
MOBO: Asus M5A78L-M LX3

If I upgrade the GPU I will choose 1060 probably or will wait for the new VEGA

1060 is too much

a gtx 1050 ti is about max your setup can handle properly

Im planning to upgrade my entire pc with i5 kaby/sky this year

A GTX 1060 will run very comfortably in that system tbh.

So you mean that I can go with 1060 and with fx 6300 for some months max. year then upgrade the cpu ?

he would never see full use out of it with that cpu

Boy you can read what I wrote 'I will upgrade the cpu later this year :)'