What to upgrade for better FPS


Jan 6, 2015
So, I'm really into gaming and especially recording my gameplay. Here are the specs of my PC:

Motherboard: Asus P6T i7 8 cores. 2.67 Ghz (not overclocked)
Graphics Card: XFX R7800 series ghost edition AMD (Already overclocked to the max)
Case: Obsidian 750D Tower, 6/8 fans installed.
Power Supply: Seasonic S12ii 620w - Bronze.
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600mhz single stick
HD: x2 SSD 120GB each + 250GB external drive.

Recently I have ordered Corsair Vengeance 12GB DIMM 3x4GB Kit - DDR3-1600 so Im going to substitute the 8gb ram stick with these, (or can i keep all of them?)

Coming to the question, which parts do you think I could upgrade/exchange to record the gameplay more smooth / get more fps in games?

Thankyou for your time.
To answer your RAM question, it will work to just substitute them. You can try using the 8GB stick, but it might not be compatible. It's just one of those "lottery" things. You can try it and see, because you can always remove the stick later on. Incompatibility will result in freezes, BSODs, and crashes, just to name a few.

To answer your upgrade question, you should either overclock your CPU or get one with a higher clock rate. Your CPU is more suited for video editing, not gaming. To upgrade, get an i5, you will see a decent improvement.
You could also get a GTX 980 if you're willing to sacrifice your wallet.
To answer your RAM question, it will work to just substitute them. You can try using the 8GB stick, but it might not be compatible. It's just one of those "lottery" things. You can try it and see, because you can always remove the stick later on. Incompatibility will result in freezes, BSODs, and crashes, just to name a few.

To answer your upgrade question, you should either overclock your CPU or get one with a higher clock rate. Your CPU is more suited for video editing, not gaming. To upgrade, get an i5, you will see a decent improvement.
You could also get a GTX 980 if you're willing to sacrifice your wallet.
I7 8 core? Well usually storage is the biggest bottleneck for recording game play but with 2 ssd you should be fine. Then your graphic card can get an upgrade if you want record at a better quality as a 7870 would get overloaded pretty easily on graphic intensive game and I would recommend a r9 290. The software is also important with Fraps and shadowplay (only on Nvidia cards) being my favorites.

Thanks for answering, I am kind of scared of overclocking the MB because im not some pro tech guy. Iv tried looking up tutorials and that kind of things but Im always scared to take the first step, not minding that, if I manage to get it overclocked "somehow", will it increase the performance of the game in any way?

Thanks for answering, about the cores, iv been told that if you open up device manager and check the processors it will show the amount of cores you have (8 in my case) so Im guessing I have 8, I don't know. (Sorry im really dumb). Thanks for the advice on the graphics card, I rushed the PC and just wanted to get it done as fast as possible since the last laptop fell apart. I might consider swapping it out with a different one,
thanks again for your time.

It's an i7, a Quad core with hyper threading, so it appears as a 8 core CPU. Since your using tri channel ram is would appear it is a first gen I7. Given the GHz I think it is a i7 920-930 not 100% sure which, my 950 is 3.02 GHz. Nvidia shadow play would be the best bet for recording on the current system as it has smaller overhead then most other programs, though that requires you to get a new GPU, a Nvidia one.
If you overclock, you will see an improvement, depending on the overclock. If it's a beast of an overclock (1.4 GHz increase), then you will see a decent improvement (~10+ fps). If it's only a 0.3 GHz increase, then you won't see much of an improvement.