What to upgrade?


Jul 29, 2017
I have saved up some cash to upgrade my pc, and wondering what I should upgrade, and what to...

Processor Intel Core i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Monitor: Asus - VS228H-P 21.5" 64hz


that game runs like crap for everybody

very cpu bound because of the sorry state of its coding

if you want to max it out at 1080p and get decent fps you are going to need a gtx 1070 with an overclocked i5 or better

and even then it wont be locked ~60

what do you want to do?

your setup is perfectly fine for 1080p

that game runs like crap for everybody

very cpu bound because of the sorry state of its coding

if you want to max it out at 1080p and get decent fps you are going to need a gtx 1070 with an overclocked i5 or better

and even then it wont be locked ~60

Ok ty, so I guess that's the answer to the question, get a 1070 with better cpu... Ty for your help :)