What TV should I get for PC gaming?


Nov 3, 2016
I recently built a new pc and am looking for a 60-65 inch TV to use with it and am not sure what I'm looking for. While pc gaming will be the primary use, it will also be used as a pc monitor, watching Netflix, Kodi and Youtube. The video card I'm using is an MSI Seahawk 1070.

My question is, as far as pc gaming is concerned and besides input lag, what other specs should I be looking at? Should I be looking for a TV that supports 1080p at 120hz? Will I notice a difference between 1080p at 60hz vs 120hz? Should I also be looking at TVs that support 1080p at 60Hz at 4:4:4?

Also, should I maybe be looking for a monitor instead of a tv?

Any help is appreciated

I've been using my tv as main pc monitor for over a decade.
I haven't done a whole lot of research on gaming and pc stuff till early this year and one of the things i looked into was my tv.
I currently have a 2011 55'' samsung LED LCD. I can say that using the tv as a pc monitor has wide range of benefits.
when it comes to gaming, im not too sure what exactly separates pc monitors and tv.
As for the input lag, that is a concern while gaming. Basically the tv is built for movies tv sorta of display and the more expensive tvs come with advance technology to enhance image. Input lag occurs when the signal from your gpu gets processed by the tv enhancements. What you want to do is find a tv that has GAMING or PC mode. That will indicate this tv is prepared for it. But don't just buy it if you see a shiny sticker with PC GAMING or w.e. it could be a gimmick. Having Gaming mode on essentially disables the process of image enhancement. While in Gaming/Pc mode, you will then need to configure your tv contrast, color etc.
As for refresh rate, I dont know a whole lot cept that if you have a tv with 60hz refresh rate, sending out higher rates wont do anything. That being said my tv has true motion rate 240 and beats the hell outta me what that means. but i take it that its a 60hz and i cap my fps at 120.

im considering upgrading my peripherals to 4k... most likely getting a tv. Im still doing some research on the differences between current led,oled, curved lcd tvs versus monitors. It seems to be the monitor refresh rate and input lag but i cant find anything with a comparison chart.