What type of computer tower should I get? (Haven't the foggiest clue)


Dec 7, 2012
gtx 670 graphics card
750w psu
4670k processor
z87 msi gaming motherboard (might be getting something else if I can find something cheaper but just as effective)http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8041583&SRCCODE=WEBGOOPA&cm_mmc_o=mH4CjC7BBTkwCjCV1-CjCE&gclid=CIHwqv6ys7sCFYN_Qgod3V0Auw

What kind of computer case would this all fit into?
really depends on what you want:

1. Price
2. Windowed?
3. Better air or better WC performance
4. other things(USB 3.0, built in fan controller etc)

as long as it fits your mobo/psu(psu is generally less of a worry on standard atx mobos) your motherboard is standard ATX, so pick any normal ATX capable case.
This case will fit all of that. It is an ATX Full Tower, the biggest kind of case you can get. You might also look for an ATX Mid Tower if you are looking for something cheaper, although for a gaming computer I would recommend a Full Tower so you have maximum airflow through all your components.