What type of Geforce GTX 1000 series can fit in HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF ?


Oct 28, 2017
Hey Guys ,
I want to upgrade my gpu for HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF and I was wondering What type of Geforce GTX 1000 series will fit in my case . Its chassis dimensions are 100 x 338 x 379 mm (4.0 x 13.3 x 14.9 in) .

Thanks in advance .

open the case and measure the inside space, outside measurements are irrelevant


you also need to take into account the wattage of the power supply and if it has a pcie cable

length isn't the problem , its just about height
I already measured it and it was 15 x 4 in (L x H)

I already got a suitable PSU for it

I was thinking of this one : https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487296

its length & height are almost enough



Thanks Dude ! You are the best !!

I faced this same problem two weeks ago. Solution: Dremel tool with a cut-off blade. Make a hole for the card and then cover the opening with something rigid. I had a card lying around that draws power from the PCI slot, so I didn't even change the PSU. The computer is much, much better.

I already found a good one with low dimensions and low power consumption . Thanks for the information though