What type of graphics card do I have? Also how much is it worth?


May 4, 2015
I bought a gaming computer with a AMD Graphics card called the Radeon HD 8370D intergrated chip.

I am thinking of upgrading my graphics card but I would like to know how much my current graphics card is worth and what type it is.


In my opinion, I think you'd be better off sending that PC back to them and building one, there are some already great guide here for it, and we can suggest you some to fit your budget.

If that is not an option, we should be able to sort you out with something. Your motherboard socket is only FM2, which restricts potential upgrades, it'd definitely be beneficial having a FM2+ or even the FM3 socket now but that means a motherboard upgrade would also be required. Considering your current CPU is dual core, you'll see benefit from a CPU upgrade as well as a GPU upgrade. For the FM2 socket I'd take a look at...
EDIT: I'm sorry, I miss read the post - it's been a long day.

A dedicated GPU would be a better option than a new CPU with integrated graphics and you maybe able to get away with buying a new CPU then too.

Where did he say it was a laptop?

I noticed after, I've amended my reply. Integrated chips brought laptops to mind, sorry.

So, this would mean that I don't need to replace the whole CPU? That would be great. Would I need to buy new wires and if so, would I need to power off the old graphics chip and then use the new one? (I don't know if that makes sense)


GPU: Radeon 8370D integrated
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 FX
Ram: 16GB

Is there anymore? I'm not entirely sure...


Not necessarily, it's dependant on what CPU you have. Not particularly too sure what you mean by buying new wires. And the integrated graphics are only active if you plug the monitor cable into it, if you was to purchase a dedicated GPU, you'd plug the monitor cable into that, and it usually automatically uses that for graphics instead. You also cannot power it off, the only way to do that is buy powering down the whole machine.

If you list all of your specs, we can assist you further.

PSU and Motherboard is needed too.

Okay I'm not entirely sure what to look for, but here is a link to the PC I bought if you wouldn't mind looking....


Thats a bit helpful.

So coming back to your initial question, your current graphics is worth the amount of the CPU which you need, unless you'll be upgrading that too.

Unfortunately it doesn't specify a PSU, so it's likely to be a cheap OEM one, it'd probably be advisable to purchase a new one to cope with the demands of a GPU too. The CPU you have is quite entry level. To suggest a PSU, GPU and possibly a CPU we'll need to know what your budget is and what games you intend to play.

May I suggest the gtx 750 Ti instead, since theres a fair performance increase and it's only roughly £10-£20 ($15-$30) more. I think it justifies itself really. :)

Alright, thanks. I would prefer an AMD card. Do you know any AMD graphics cards that would be of the same standard?


My budget is probably anything up to around £200, and I intend to play games like The Crew, Stranded Deep, Arma 2 and Rust.

It is integrated so it is pretty much worth nothing in my opinion.

In my opinion, I think you'd be better off sending that PC back to them and building one, there are some already great guide here for it, and we can suggest you some to fit your budget.

If that is not an option, we should be able to sort you out with something. Your motherboard socket is only FM2, which restricts potential upgrades, it'd definitely be beneficial having a FM2+ or even the FM3 socket now but that means a motherboard upgrade would also be required. Considering your current CPU is dual core, you'll see benefit from a CPU upgrade as well as a GPU upgrade. For the FM2 socket I'd take a look at the A10 series. I know you'd like an AMD GPU too, but its probably more advisable to go for an Nvidia GPU, as your case likely has poor cooling efficiency and Nvidia GPUs run a lot cooler than AMD ones which will keep your overall temps down.

I'd highly suggest looking at these parts for an upgrade.

PCPartPicker part list: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/QDtwYJ
Price breakdown by merchant: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/QDtwYJ/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD A10-6800K 4.1GHz Quad-Core Processor (£92.80 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB WINDFORCE Video Card (£108.96 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £201.76
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-05 04:22 BST+0100

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