What type of monitor should I get?

a 970 for 1440p is kind of cutting it. You won't be able to max a lot of games at that kind of resolution. Though going from what i'm assuming you have a 60hz to a 144hz is also a big step and with a single 970 you can't really take advantage of that resolution.

I say look into upgrading to a better gpu, personally dual gpu's aren't worth the hassle. Then i'd think about getting 144hz or 1440p.

My budget is preferably under 400, I play action and adventure games, not that many shooters, I like watching movies and really any size and brand is okay.
a 970 for 1440p is kind of cutting it. You won't be able to max a lot of games at that kind of resolution. Though going from what i'm assuming you have a 60hz to a 144hz is also a big step and with a single 970 you can't really take advantage of that resolution.

I say look into upgrading to a better gpu, personally dual gpu's aren't worth the hassle. Then i'd think about getting 144hz or 1440p.

I ended up getting an Acer XB270HU since it was on sale for only 400 and i play to upgrade soon anyway.