What Type Of PSU can i replace the OEM PSU of a HP p6-2055a with?


Dec 19, 2013
Hi could someone please tell me which (PHYSICAL not wattage) size of PSU can i replace with a uATX (micro ATX) hp pavilion P6-2055a case i currently have?

Or will any PSU fit my case?

if you can send me links to any that would be greatly appreciated :)

Or could someone tell me the dimensions of the PSU that is in the PC i have preferably in Centimetres

Since you have the system. I recommend taking the measurements yourself(not to be pushy).

Images make it look like a standard ATX power supply. What some users call uATX power supplies are actually SFX power supplies, but again it does not look like an SFX.

Snap me an image and I can be more sure but it looked like a normal ATX power supply.

Please note some ATX power supplies are deeper than others so I suggest you stick with the least deep seasonic ones on the market. Other makers are also an option.

This image from bittech gives you an idea of how small an SFX power supply is.
Since you have the system. I recommend taking the measurements yourself(not to be pushy).

Images make it look like a standard ATX power supply. What some users call uATX power supplies are actually SFX power supplies, but again it does not look like an SFX.

Snap me an image and I can be more sure but it looked like a normal ATX power supply.

Please note some ATX power supplies are deeper than others so I suggest you stick with the least deep seasonic ones on the market. Other makers are also an option.

This image from bittech gives you an idea of how small an SFX power supply is.

The dimensions of the psu i have

14cm 5.5" (L)

8.6cm 3.4" (H)

15cm 5.9" (W)

and its a LiteOn OEM (PS-5251-08 250W)

500W minimum, also i can only purchase from australian sites
Well of the 2, the Thermatake is only rated at 400 watts continuous so that is not a good sign. The lack of a combined rating on the 12 volt rails is also a bit suspect. To add to it saying 12 volts 15.6 max is also very scary. That would be like 30% over and most power supplies stay within 3-5 %

At least on paper the Aerocool is better. I have not used any from them, but the thermaltake one scares me.

Also is this graphics card a good upgrade choice Radeon HD7870 GHz Edition OC 2GB : http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1372&products_id=25172

from the nvidia geforce 520 1gb?