What video card for my low budget?


Mar 4, 2012
I am Building a new system

CPU: i5 2500k
MoBo: asrock exteme3 gen3
Memory: gskill 1600 8g
psu: corsair tx750 v2

and i am now at the picking a video card phase, and I'm leaning towards nvidia just cause they seem, as i have read, to be just a better built and supported (drivers) card
I can only talk my wife into eatting ramen for so much longer, so my budget is 150 - 200 max.
I would easily consider a cheeper card in sli (150 wouldn't be total budget so double but not anytime soon) as i hope to run 2 cards anyway but i need something that can hold me for a bit, 6 months i hope its sooner, till i can buy another. I need to paint some rooms and buy some new furniture for her. I got to build a new rig and she gets to redo some rooms =).
Just want someone to point me in the right direction. I am hoping to buy a new 1080p monitor, nothing fancy, a $150-$160 model and hoping to game at the highest level i can at 1080p. I don't play Battelfield 3 or shooters at all, but I do play anything i can get my hands on, but i was since it is graphically demanding, using BF3 as a reference point. If any other info is needed let me know, any advice would help. Thanks
Ok so if i was to push my budget like that, what brand, refrence desgin or soming like the msi twin frozer? Im so new to this stuff I just want to game the best i can on my budget and try my hand at overclocking stuff. Plus i was worried about runing sli or crossfire on my psu, i bought a bigger one for that reason but im not sure its big enuff now
I was concerned about the micro shuttering ( i don't know what that is) that the 6870 has in crossfire, as i said before, I WILL be adding a second card because good enough just isn't how i roll *bam*
One 560 in BF3 would get you a mixture ofHigh/Ultra settings with no MSAA if you get a non OC 560 then overclock the card. Your looking for 900mhz or better stock card or overclock when running BF3 with one card. When I only had one 560 I had it clocked at 930mhz for BF3.

well as i am coming from a ps3, is that going to be on par with the kind of graphics i have seen in good looking games like uncharted? like say i loved skyrim and played the bugged up ps3 version and the i play on pc with a 560, am i going to max out my graphic and is it going to blow me away, or will it look the same? also im wanting to buy 2 cards so i can avoid the NEED to pick up a ps4, whenever that is, and make it more of a want