What Vlogging equipment would i need for a trip to Berlin?


Aug 23, 2015
Hiya, in February 2017, my school is taking some History GCSE Students on a Trip to Berlin. We will be visiting parts of the city, a Cold war bunker, and Concentration camps.
Without straying from the point too far, I was wondering what equipment I will need to take with me to vlog the trip.

Things I have so far:
Nikon D3300 (all the cables too)
HP4125EA Laptop for editing videos.

Is there anything else I would need?
if you are to link anything in your comments, please provide English links as that is where I am from.

All Replies are much appreciated, Ajsski99

Your camera manual-you'll want to become familliar with the camera before you go too.
Get some extra SD cards-the faster the better. Get 95/Mbps or above-it's better...

Your camera manual-you'll want to become familliar with the camera before you go too.
Get some extra SD cards-the faster the better. Get 95/Mbps or above-it's better for video. If not, it's no biggie.
Look into picking up and extra battery too. You go through them fast shooting video. You'll probably get 30 minutes per battery, maybe more, I don't remember what my D3200 used to get. Keep in mind, to avoid overheating, the camera will only record 20 minutes at a time before pausing the recording. Most cameras do this though.
Camera bag, comfortable strap or some way you'd like to carry it all day.


Cheers mate :) Appreciate the response !