Question What voltage and type are the LEDs on the NZXT H710i case ?


Nov 12, 2020
I have an old NZXT h710i case and I'm doing a rebuild. To simplify things I wanted to pull out the NZXT Smart Device V2 and plug the NZXT case LEDs and fans directly into the new motherboard. It looks like the fans have three wires and so I'm assuming that those are the DC mode variety. What about the LEDs? Does anyone know if they are they 12v or 5v? I was wondering which plug on the motherboard I should use.
If you look through the product's page;
(scroll down to specs section), it says RGB, which would mean 12v. ARGB is 5v.
Thanks, but I reached out to their support email and got a response that is the opposite. One of their support people said that the NZXT LEDs are 5v and that I should plug the NZXT LEDS into the Rainbow 5v connection on the motherboard.