What VPN service should I use for streaming services?

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Oct 19, 2011

I would really like to try out a few streaming services that are not available in my country (Lithuania), mainly Amazon Prime and Shudder. I'm thinking of buying a payed VPN service in order to accomplish this. I've Googled best VPN services, but the problem is there's usually little information about speeds in different countries and usually the monthly fees are pretty high and I don't want to pay for 1 or 2 years of service without first trying the product (I mean, what if it sucks?).

Could anyone provide some suggestions? Maybe some good payed VPN services that I could first try for free?

First you need to discount almost any site that ranks VPN. The vast majority are paid sites that are fake reviews to favor whoever paid the most. Many of these lists have some of the more well known ones in the top 10 list but they also have ones nobody heard of. Some are outright scams.

It is highly likely we will get one of the many spammers posting vpn sites to this thread, happens many times when people ask this question.

The larger ones you will find on almost every list so those are your best bet to look at first. Most you can pay for just 1 month. Most VPN sites gave trials years ago but the idiots who do really bad things used them and got huge list of vpn IP blocked from some major sites. VPN just can not take that...
First you need to discount almost any site that ranks VPN. The vast majority are paid sites that are fake reviews to favor whoever paid the most. Many of these lists have some of the more well known ones in the top 10 list but they also have ones nobody heard of. Some are outright scams.

It is highly likely we will get one of the many spammers posting vpn sites to this thread, happens many times when people ask this question.

The larger ones you will find on almost every list so those are your best bet to look at first. Most you can pay for just 1 month. Most VPN sites gave trials years ago but the idiots who do really bad things used them and got huge list of vpn IP blocked from some major sites. VPN just can not take that risk anymore.

PIA has a speedtesting feature that test through their data centers.

I suspect this is not the actual vpn performance you will ever see but it is better than nothing I suppose.

So... did I fail the turing test?


No most have only 1 post and they recommend extremely small vpn. Most people know the 5 or so large vpn providers and they all work ok BUT this tends to be a question nobody can really answer because only the person asking can actually test the latency between their house and the VPN data centers.
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