[SOLVED] What will Asus BBios 5007 support


May 8, 2014
Will the latest ASUS BIOS 5007 provide support on X470 motherboards for the new 3000 series processors, and is it worthwhile putting the 3000 series on an X470 or will most of the advantages of the new cpu be lost?
BIOS version number are different for different motherboards, you can't just say 5007 without saying which board.

Go to the CPU support page for whatever board you're looking at, it will list which CPUs it supports and and what minimum BIOS revision is required for said support.
BIOS version number are different for different motherboards, you can't just say 5007 without saying which board.

Go to the CPU support page for whatever board you're looking at, it will list which CPUs it supports and what minimum BIOS revision is required for said support.

You're correct I should have said it is an Asus Prime x470 Pro currently on bios 4207 and noticed the latest 5007 and wondered if it had been an update to allow the new 3700/ 3800 processors to operate on my board. I will have a look, but so far have found little on the Asus support pages for Bios 5007 (Only the download option). Thanks any way.