What will benefit my upgrade more?

Lennon Simpson

Sep 15, 2013
So I'm upgrading my PC, currently nothing too special, started with a kit build and worked my way up.

So what will benefit me more, I am currently running and AMD a8-3570K processor with a shoddy motherboard along side an AMD HD7750.

I am torn between buying an AMD 7950 or an AMD 8350 (8 core) and new MOBO.

I do a lot of gaming, general web browsing etc. and I was wondering which would benefit this more? I figured the graphics card will boost the gaming but will it be a massive change? Considering the CPU will be heavily bottle necking it. So what do you think will be more beneficial this time around? And why, if you dont mind?


(What I dont buy this upgrade I'll get next month)


Jul 7, 2011
hd 7950 with an a8 cpu is just wasting your time, why don't you just save up for a couple of months and build a nice system with an fx 6300 a new motherboard and hd 7870 or if you have the cash then get the fx 8350 new motherboard and the hd 7950