what wireless adapter should I buy? I will use it just to connect to the city's free wlan. I don't need it to connect to my router because I don't have one.
$32 for 802.11AC and Bluetooth 4.0
I myself have this one (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833320173)
Bit on the expensive side though and doesn't have bluetooth 4.0
those antennas and things are just if you live bombshell or behind big rockwalls. Distance to router is important too. Try to connect mobilephone to that wlan, if it works well then you have lots of options what to buy. Make sure that card support your wireless encryption and desktop operating system. Wpa-wpa2 and wep are most popular encryptions nowadays.
I borrowed from a friend a TP-LINK TL-WN722N and I have 2 bars from the city's free wlan. So know I would like to buy something that gives me more bars? I am not behind any rockwalls.