What would be a good pc for gtx 1050 (non ti)


Mar 19, 2017
hello people. its my first post. so here is what happened. i had an old pc lying around with c2q q6600 and 4gb ram in it. i wanted to do some gaming on it so i did a little youtube search and bought gigabyte gtx 1050 2gb card. i mainly wanted to play fifa 17 and mirrors edge catalyst but the hiccup is that in fifa my cpu usage is like 100 and fans are spinning crazy and the game lags in slow motion. same thing with mirrors edge. i think it is my cpu that is causing the problem. i just want to play games at 900p. i know the card can handle it but what will be a good pairing of cpu with it, also i live in pakistan and most of the parts i can get here. a little expensive but i can get them. thanks
Intel Pentium G4560
Mainboard with B250 chipset
DDR4 2400Mhz 8gb kit (get 2x4gb for dual channel)
However, if you pick this new KabyLake processor, you also need to use windows10
>this will run fifa17 easily
>if you want to play mirrors edge catalyst on high settings, you really need an high-end PC

sounds like thermal throttling

do you monitor cpu temps while playing?

if not install msi afterburner, go into the OSD and enable cpu temp monitoring

play the game for a while, post back your max temps on the cpu

you should be able to play fifa17 and ME Catalyst with your current setup with playable fps
sadly pentium 4560 is not available here. and i did check the temprature. tempratures are 82-90 C. i think dust will be an issue. anyway i want to buy a new pc bcz this pc is old news. i have three options.
1. i7 2600k with 8gb ddr3 used
2. i5 4590 with same ram used
3. if i biuld my own pc then i can get new parts i3 7100 and 8gb plus i really want an ssd . i really dont know much about motherboards so out of these three whats is the best solution. ps. i just want to game at 900p so i dont need that much power. just a good match with my gtx 1050