what would be a good PSU


Jul 4, 2016
i want to know how much wattage should my PSU have
i7 6700
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 950
1x 8GB RAM
not shure what my drivers are

could you tell me around what number i would need
The VP 450 would be fine, IF you turn off the C6/C7 Intel low power states in the bios. The VP-450, plain jane model, is not Haswell/Skylake compliant. That's not a problem, but it IS an older design and does not have active PFC circuit, so there are better models out there like the XFX unit Blackbird listed. In a pinch, it would work though.
Any GOOD 400w or higher unit would be fine. Units made by Seasonic and Super Flower tend to be much higher quality. Units sold by Seasonic, Super Flower, Antec, XFX and EVGA stand the best chance of being high quality, although Antec, XFX and EVGA all have some units that are not all that great as well.

Stick to units listed in a position of tier 1 or 2 here:


This is the specs page for the standard 950 from EVGA http://www.evga.com/products/Specs/GPU.aspx?pn=0ec02c7e-fd8d-4a06-b2bb-a5984120e68b . A 350W PSU would be fine with other 950 models such as SC, FTW or for other brands such as MSI and Gigabyte. http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-950/specifications has more info.

THere are PSU calculators such as this one http://powersupplycalculator.net/ . It's best to look to the PSUs manufacturers spec pages when looking for an appropriate PSU solution.

1 8GB RAM module? Most motherboards these days are setup for dual or quad channel with a fair number of triple channel models out there. You need to look to your motherboard's spec page and see what it calls for. A dual channel board with only one stick will run at half speed, handicapping your systems performance level. That's a bad thing. Dual channel=2 sticks.

That Antec PSU would be fine for the 950. Let's say one day you want to upgrade. Some cards like my 970 call for 2 6 pin PCIe power cables. Others call for 2 8 pin PCIe power cables(VERY high end models).http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1N83U90946&cm_re=EVGA_500W-_-17-438-016-_-Product would give you room to upgrade in the future. It's also the PSU that's been powering my system(including a EVGA 970 FTW) ever since I built it, without issues.

It's a decent unit https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=nl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftweakers.net%2Fproductreview%2F115730%2Fantec-vpf-series-450w.html&edit-text= but how good it is depends on what price you are thinking of buying it for. It's major downside is the sleeve bearing fan.
The VP 450 would be fine, IF you turn off the C6/C7 Intel low power states in the bios. The VP-450, plain jane model, is not Haswell/Skylake compliant. That's not a problem, but it IS an older design and does not have active PFC circuit, so there are better models out there like the XFX unit Blackbird listed. In a pinch, it would work though.