What would be the best CPU+GPU for GA-78LMT-S2(rev 1.2) motherboard? Right now my GPU is GTX 950 and CPU is FX 4300.


Aug 25, 2017
Hello! So my question is, what would be the best GPU+CPU for my motherboard? Right now I have gtx 950 and fx 4300. It gives quite good FPS in games like Battlefield 4,Assassin's Creed 4, Metro Last Light, but on low settings. I'm fine with having 30-40 fps in games like that. BUT there is a game called "CS:GO" that I play competitively and I play it on the lowest settings to get a constant 150-200 fps. Now, at the beginning of the match I get a huge FPS, like 170 or even 210 but after I play some time it can drop to 90.. Yes, you might say 90 is pretty decent, but not for the person that takes this game seriously. My question would be what CPU+GPU can I get to get a constant 200 fps in game like CS:GO on the lowest settings? Sorry, if I said something that you misunderstood, because English is my third language. Ask me if you misunderstood something.
I presume you are playing on a monitor with a greater vert. refresh rate than 60hz.
The CPU support page for that board lists the FX-83xx and FX-6300 CPUs as the best it will support.

If you have one of those, the GTX 1060 would be a safe bet w/o too much CPU bottleneck to be concerned about. And none in games that are heavily GPU-limited.

Actually right now I have 60hz monitor. I am also planning to buy 144hz Zowie monitor but not until I will get a new CPU. I was thinking of buying fx 8370e+ R9 380. What do you personally think about that upgrade? Will it bottleneck ?

Not enough at be a concern. And not every game. But be sure you have enough PSU for the R9-380. 550W w/2 x 6pin or better.

Never mind. I'l figure it out later. But for gtx 1060 you are 100% that my PSU is good?
You cant check PSU with software, you have to shutdown PC, and open it up and check the label.

Now the brand/model is a very very big aspect of this.
One 550w PSU can output 550w reliably for years, another cheap 550w psu cant even output 400w and will fry all of your parts within a few months if you push it that hard.

Investing money in the fx series cpu's is a bad idea. Also the fx 8370 is a bad choice since that motherboard has terrible vrm cooling and will become ver unstable with anything stronger than you have now. A 380 won't be a good upgrade over the gtx 950.

my BIOS ver. is F6. So I guess Im good.
I was also thinking about updating to FX 8300 instead of fx 8370e

so what would be the good upgrade then?? All I want is stable 200 fps on lowest settings in CS:GO. Right now its not stable. It can go from 170 to 110 or even 90 fps.. What can I do to make it stable ? xD Buying a new motherboard is not an option for me bc I got this pc like few months ago. What would you suggest??

Well the problem is that you need 2 strong cores for cs go. You won't see any difference between a fx 8370 or fx 4300 since they have the same single core performance at the same clockspeed so upgrading to get more cores is useless. You can try to overclock but I would highly advice against it since that motherboard isn't made to handle it.
Unless you go to a new platform you are stuck with those fps.


Your best option is to sell what you have and get a pentium g4560 or ryzen 3 setup as both are faster than a 8370 in every task and have much higher single core performance.