Hello! So my question is, what would be the best GPU+CPU for my motherboard? Right now I have gtx 950 and fx 4300. It gives quite good FPS in games like Battlefield 4,Assassin's Creed 4, Metro Last Light, but on low settings. I'm fine with having 30-40 fps in games like that. BUT there is a game called "CS:GO" that I play competitively and I play it on the lowest settings to get a constant 150-200 fps. Now, at the beginning of the match I get a huge FPS, like 170 or even 210 but after I play some time it can drop to 90.. Yes, you might say 90 is pretty decent, but not for the person that takes this game seriously. My question would be what CPU+GPU can I get to get a constant 200 fps in game like CS:GO on the lowest settings? Sorry, if I said something that you misunderstood, because English is my third language. Ask me if you misunderstood something.