What would the X-Box One/PS4 CPU equivalents be.


Aug 12, 2013
I did my own research and I think the amd Opteron 6124 HE would be a close match and for the xbox one and the amd Opteron 4280 or the amd fx-8100 for the ps4, but I would like and opinion from someone who know more about this stuff than me.
If you look at something like the E2-3000, which is dual core and scores about 1200 on Passmarks CPU score, and scale it up about 10%per core for IPC improvements and stick four of them together you'd get somewhere near 5280 or so... so a rough guess on pure number crunching on the CPU would put it similar to an AMD A10-6800K APU which scores 5174.

Of course you can't really compare them directly like that, but that's a rough SWAG. Compared to something like an Intel Core i5-2500K which scores 6385 you can see about where it would sit in a CPU performance chart. It's going to depend on what you are using to compare them . . . but pretty much any i5 based desktop processor out currently will destroy it on a test like this.

The PC equivalent hardware for the Xbox One and PS4.
Xbone - A bit more CPU grunt than say an AMD A10 APU, (raw hardware, no optimization involved) graphical capabilities around that of a HD7790.
PS4 - Exact same CPU, graphical capabilities of about a HD7850.

However its all fairly up in the air ATM, until people have their hands on the hardware and can run benchmarks, we wont really know.
If you look at something like the E2-3000, which is dual core and scores about 1200 on Passmarks CPU score, and scale it up about 10%per core for IPC improvements and stick four of them together you'd get somewhere near 5280 or so... so a rough guess on pure number crunching on the CPU would put it similar to an AMD A10-6800K APU which scores 5174.

Of course you can't really compare them directly like that, but that's a rough SWAG. Compared to something like an Intel Core i5-2500K which scores 6385 you can see about where it would sit in a CPU performance chart. It's going to depend on what you are using to compare them . . . but pretty much any i5 based desktop processor out currently will destroy it on a test like this.

That doesn't mean the games will be any less fun though, so there isn't much point in comparing consoles to PC's.

Edit: In addition, the 8150 scores 7,753 . . . these consoles are more like glorified netbooks. The consoles CPU crunching power is no where near what higher end desktop parts will do.