What would you rate this build?

overkill and impractical. generally a waste of money unless you absolutely have need of such parts for other tasks.

the strange part is all that hardware to drives only a single 1080p monitor.

also it should be noted that the a single gtx980 performs at the same level or better than the 690 even though its a single card while the 690 is a dual card. this means its possible to potentially quad-sli 980's while you could only use two 690's ever. plus, the new gtx980 is very efficient in terms of heat produced and energy drawn.

this sounds more like a "build the best computer for any money" than a practical build to me at least.

Ok, I changed It.
i would ask the same thing. are you actually planning on purchasing parts or just fooling around dreaming up a computer build to drool over?

if you are actually planning on building a pc and within a short timeframe then i'd suggest two things: filling out the form we have stickied at the top of the systems forum which would give us all information we need as well as getting a bit more familiar with pc hardware as it seems you are just throwing parts around. there are many experts here who can help lay out a system without wasting money needlessly.

if you are just trying to come up with some build to drool over that will never get built then its been done many times before and we are all sick of answering such threads since it sucks up time which could be used helping people with genuine build requests and problems.



on a side note, i'd suggest you hang around in /systems/ for a little while and read build recommendation threads. you'll learn quite a bit about hardware that way in a relatively short period of time.

I want to get a fast pc in the future, that I could get later on, but this is just a dream pc.
If you're interested in seeing high-end builds, pcpartpicker has searchable builds: http://pcpartpicker.com/builds/

but if you're not actually building a computer at the moment, it's frivolous to make partlists, to be honest.
its not worth laying out a specific parts list if you arent going to be buying parts in a week or less.

if its a few years off its really not even worth coming up with a rough idea either as parts will change substantially.

currently, for just a pc without peripherals its quite possible to build a pc for $1100 which can max out a 1080p screen, for $1300 which can play at 2k/4k and for under $2000 which has all the bells and whistles. going above this gets into overkill territory which doesnt make sense unless you have a valid reason.

i would advise you to start keeping up on tech from this point forward by reading the forums often. that way when the time comes for you to actually build a machine you'll have a much better understanding of new hardware as it comes out and what would work best in your pc without breaking the bank.