Hey i recently started using this site and it has been great , so i thought id ask some of you if you think the pc im getting in a few months has any problems, incompatibilities or bottlenecks.
so far , im planning on getting
asus sabertooth 990fx r2
either amd 8350 or 9370( i know 9370 is basically just an over clocked 8350 but i wasn't planning on over clocking
Asus gtx 780
Corsair Vengeance 16GB (unles you guys can think of anything better at same speeds for a little less money ?
rm 750w corsair
Nzxt h440
128gb 1tb HDD
128gb ssd Samsung evo
so far , im planning on getting
asus sabertooth 990fx r2
either amd 8350 or 9370( i know 9370 is basically just an over clocked 8350 but i wasn't planning on over clocking
Asus gtx 780
Corsair Vengeance 16GB (unles you guys can think of anything better at same speeds for a little less money ?
rm 750w corsair
Nzxt h440
128gb 1tb HDD
128gb ssd Samsung evo