What you guys think ?


Oct 6, 2014
Hey i recently started using this site and it has been great , so i thought id ask some of you if you think the pc im getting in a few months has any problems, incompatibilities or bottlenecks.

so far , im planning on getting

asus sabertooth 990fx r2

either amd 8350 or 9370( i know 9370 is basically just an over clocked 8350 but i wasn't planning on over clocking

Asus gtx 780

Corsair Vengeance 16GB (unles you guys can think of anything better at same speeds for a little less money ?

rm 750w corsair

Nzxt h440

128gb 1tb HDD

128gb ssd Samsung evo

970 is better with more power efficiency and it even beats the gtx 780 ti in some benchmarks, the gtx 970 is also cheaper so I would advise you to take it over the gtx 780. Also try and avoid the EVGA model of the gtx 970 if you get it, there are some known issues with it. Anyway the MSI version of the gtx 970 has proven to be the best apart from Gigabyte which wasn't really tested


dont you think 650 is pushing it? because amd cpus use a lot plus i have a few components that a bit demanding

and why do you say 970 is better , i know it has a few better functions but a lot of people say the 780 still has a much higher performance rate
970 is better with more power efficiency and it even beats the gtx 780 ti in some benchmarks, the gtx 970 is also cheaper so I would advise you to take it over the gtx 780. Also try and avoid the EVGA model of the gtx 970 if you get it, there are some known issues with it. Anyway the MSI version of the gtx 970 has proven to be the best apart from Gigabyte which wasn't really tested


it seems pretty nice but if i get it from amazon it will most of them come from the US which means its a different connector howver i think thats a good choice , as long as it performs well and is quiet i think its a good choice


hm ok if thats the case i might end up bying the same one i was planning but from amazon and save like 80 dollars

thanks a lot man

thanks for all the help guys really appreciate it