whats a good build for programming ?


Dec 11, 2013
Okay so i know my hardware.
I will upgrade in the future (obviously)

this computer is for the long run (title says im a beginner which i am and i dont want a pc specificly for a beginner i want 1 for well until im very experienced or something)

i will use this pc for gaming too.

well id like to know what laptops (upto 1200$ would be good for this too)

the budget above is only for laptop for the desktop lets just be reasonable.
Okay a laptop to just 'work on' can be had at Walmart, a i3core for only $249. Light and enough power to do just the basics, no real gaming on them (maybe farmville but definitely NO WOT). As for a desktop you can go cheap at Walmart, pick up a i5 core Desktop, which will have 8GB RAM DDR3, 500+GB HDD, Bluray or DVD, keyboard, mouse and Windows installed for $349. Then buy a 600W PSU ($99) and a video card ($149-$499), and you can do 1900x1090 High Settings for BF4 64Man map at around 50FPS, to do it cheaply. Otherwise I would suggest Pick a Part to look up the parts (have to pay Windows seperately and that is $179 just by itself) to cobble together since you have $1200 to spend.

Personally I would suggest a i7 Core based desktop...
Okay this is all very generalized and you don't even tell us (download and run SPECCY then post) the specs on what you DO have at the moment.
Programming what? You doing C++ work? Java Scripting and HTML5 code? Programming EPROMS for nextgen Robotics? It help if you provide specifics on what your planning to program, and languages; or even better yet look up the minimal specs for those languages! They are included in the details / on the box.

As for gaming, what sort of games? Minecraft and Farmville or Ghosts and BF4? What level of FPS are you expecting, and what level detail/screensize are you planning? You expect to do three 24in 240Hz external screens all at 1080 (1900x1080), Ultra graphics, 8xAA/AF and demand minimally 120FPS???? Or we talking your thinking 1024x768 Sims at 30FPS on your 15" built in LCD?

See you need to give us a clue what your expecting / wanting it to do. Also more powerful laptops are normally HEAVIER, so if your planning to lug this between college classes, a 3lb 15inch HP Envy is a hell lot better then a 9LB Alienware 21" Laptop.


Dec 11, 2013
games like bf4 ghost recon fifa... etc now as i said ( or forgot to say) im a stinkin beginner. i was planning to start with the plain old C and move up from there. my current pc is got destroyed ( i spilled a bottle of Soda on it)

for laptop almost no gaming. laptop priority programming secondary web browsing and 3 well games that arent very demanding
Okay a laptop to just 'work on' can be had at Walmart, a i3core for only $249. Light and enough power to do just the basics, no real gaming on them (maybe farmville but definitely NO WOT). As for a desktop you can go cheap at Walmart, pick up a i5 core Desktop, which will have 8GB RAM DDR3, 500+GB HDD, Bluray or DVD, keyboard, mouse and Windows installed for $349. Then buy a 600W PSU ($99) and a video card ($149-$499), and you can do 1900x1090 High Settings for BF4 64Man map at around 50FPS, to do it cheaply. Otherwise I would suggest Pick a Part to look up the parts (have to pay Windows seperately and that is $179 just by itself) to cobble together since you have $1200 to spend.

Personally I would suggest a i7 Core based desktop, but then your going to max out your budget real quick most of the time for a 'gamer's rig'.