What's a good laptop with windows 8, 8gb of ram, great graphics and is only around £400-£500?

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Computer noob 123

Jan 4, 2014
I've been looking for a laptop recently but haven't found any great ones! Can someone suggest a laptop with windows 8, 8gb of ram, great graphics for around £400-£500? (Preferably touchscreen but doesn't have to be, just preferred) thanks
That isn't much to spend if you want something that is actually good but windows 8 is a downgrade on anything without a touchscreen and a ssd.
What kind of graphics are you looking for? Gaming on most is very limited if that is what you have in mind but if looking for with a good screen then it will be easier to find. 8gb is pretty standard these days except on the cheap fodder that is sold these days with as little as 2gb.

I was hoping for graphics just better than your average computer/ laptop

Be careful if you buy this, I already came across one of these broken with the screen hanging by only the cable after the hinges broke from normal use. Cheap plastic with no frame for the lcd so the hinges mount to the plastic that holds the screen.

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