Sure. It's a company called supernight but after looking around the various sellers (including brick and mortar stores like home improvement centers that sell similar) I'm pretty sure they're reselling imported products bought in bulk. The controllers all look similar, similar sized sets and options.
I had to find a way to fit the power connector from the brick into the case to plug into the small controller unit (the box that plugs into the actual strip and has the infrared sensor for the remote). The barrel jack has a bit of molded plastic around it that makes it just slightly too big to put through a pcie slot on the back of the case. I fed mine under the case and using a pair of wire cutters I snipped out a small portion of the honeycomb grille beneath the power supply so it doesn't show.
This is the set I used, it's $28.99 and comes with a 5m roll of 5050 (the size of the leds) tape, the remote, power brick, controller etc.
It's the waterproof set, only because the led strip comes covered in a clear durable plastic sheath that can be easily wiped (dusting purposes) rather than bare leds on a strip which might get snagged by a cleaning cloth. It's also an rgb+w which means every other led is pure white. The white/color can be controlled independently for brightness (aka bright white/dim color, dim white/bright color, color only, white only) and together can give more pastel colors. There's also straight rgb where every bulb is a multicolor (no pure white in between). There's also ones that apparently work with music though I don't have any experience with those.
Trimming the strip is easy, there's a marker every so often. It looks like an extra wide soldered area and you can cut it with scissors. Here's a pic of an led strip showing the oval shaped copper connectors where you cut. Cutting between them leaves a wiring solder point on either end of where you just cut.
The only downside, the 3m tape on the back doesn't work the best. It's such a thin strip it barely holds. I used hot glue to hold mine in place, just using a dab every so often. It's not hot enough to damage the led strip and it peels easily from the case if you don't like where it's at without making a major mess.