I have yet to see a GTX970 card that runs hot!
I have seen more problems with Gigabyte cards in here than EVGA (that is where customer service comes in)
This probably the best cooled card http://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-gtx970gaming4g
Ofcourse i prefer preformance but if the card get hot it might make some proplems as i live in egypt that the temperature may be up to 45 and 47c so what should i go with
Ofcourse i prefer preformance but if the card get hot it might make some proplems as i live in egypt that the temperature may be up to 45 and 47c so what should i go with
PyroRaider has given you your answer. Those are the facts. You need to make the decision, how happy are you to take the risk? If you live in a hot place, then you should choose the G1. There's no point in saying "But I want the best performance" because you can't have both. You will barely notice any performance-difference anyway, so get the G1
Ofcourse i prefer preformance but if the card get hot it might make some proplems as i live in egypt that the temperature may be up to 45 and 47c so what should i go with
Take the gigabyte in that case
It will cool better, but make sure it fits in your case