What's better gtx970 (evga FTW) or (gigabyte g1 gaming) or (evga ssc)

Joe pad

Dec 2, 2015
I want to choose between this three gtx970 graphic cards (evga gtx 970 FTW) or (gigabyte gtx970 g1 gaming) or (evga gtx970 ssc)

Prefer performance and less noise? Go for the FTW
Prefer cooling? Go for the G1

Prefer performance and less noise? Go for the FTW
Prefer cooling? Go for the G1

PyroRaider has given you your answer. Those are the facts. You need to make the decision, how happy are you to take the risk? If you live in a hot place, then you should choose the G1. There's no point in saying "But I want the best performance" because you can't have both. You will barely notice any performance-difference anyway, so get the G1

Take the gigabyte in that case
It will cool better, but make sure it fits in your case