Whats the best graphics card for my computer? - Optiplex 755 ('desktop' case)


Aug 4, 2015
Hi guys,
i've undertaken a bit of a project here and I seem to hit somewhat of a roadblock. I managed to pick up an old optiplex 755 (Intel core 2 Duo 3.00GHz processor, 4GB RAM) pretty much for free and I want to see how beefed up I can make it. Unfortuantly the case is much more restrictive than I first thought and I can't seem to find any 'decent' graphics card that'll fit in it. I'm looking for it to be able to play LoL, Civ 5 and WoW at 40-60fps. I have the "desktop" case. For reference:

So I can only fit single slot width and half height (I think) graphics cards, does anyone know what card might be best for my situation? (I'm not too fussed about price, as I imagine a suitable card can't be more than $150 tops)

Apparently, it does have a PCIe x16 slot. Since it's a single slot, you'll have to look for low end graphics cards or for the vendors who make high end ones with single slot. Try looking for R7 240 or R7 250.

So far i've managed to find this It looks like it would fit, would it work with the computer though? (i'm not hugely tech savvy and know little about power requirements, PCI slots etc.)
It will be a good choice for you since it has a single slot design. There'll be some amount of bottleneck- your cpu will hold back the graphics card. But don't worry, you wont be losing huge amounts. But........ on Dell's site it says that your computer has 280W power supply, which is too low. You'll need atleast 450w from someone like Corsair, Antec or Cooler Master else you risk damaging many computer components. Keep that in mind. Rest..... I say go for it.
actually, 2-slot* low profile cards will fit, if they are not too long.
this is my 760 DT, with HD6450 (single slot, low profile):

the zotac 750 i linked earlier has low profile brackets and that shroud would fit in the case, pleny of room above the GPU.

*2 slot high with the second low profile bracket underneath.

yes, i had another look and a think and an edit. the only maybe is the PSU, what does the label say about total watts and amps on the 12v line?

Thanks for the suggestions, I see your 760 has a large space in the centre of the motherboard, my 780 (I assume has the same layout) keeps the hardrive here in a very tight fit, this makes having wider cards impossible (see the card I linked earlier, this is the absolute widest I can have the card, a 'perfect' 1 slot width), for reference:


Could you show me where you fit your hard drive as I cant see any spare room in my dt case for it,


in the top left of my picture, the grey 'corner' is the back of the optical drive. the HDD is in a caddy behind/under that.

i fear yours may be a SFF case, going on the HDD location and slim optical drive...
you could try removing the HDD from it's caddy and wedging it into the space where the floppy drive would have been... freeing up space for a bigger gpu.

Ahh I see, i'll try giving your setup a go, hopefully it'll fit!

You are all very close to the final answer, but not there yet.

The best card which will fit is MSI N750ti-2GD5TLP GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB 128-Bit GDDR5 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127836&ignorebbr=1&cm_re=gtx_750-_-14-127-836-_-Product

I noticed your location http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-video-card-n750ti2gd5tlp but it is not available there for some reason.

This card is reported to work on Dells with 240 watt PSU, I have fresh confirmation (just need to find where it is) about documented use of the card with Dell 250 watt PSU.
Size wise - perfect fit, short, single slot, only protruding fan shroud and only 5.75 inches or 146 millimeters long, open you case and measure....

Anything else I can help you with?

P.S. Power supply is proprietary, so no upgrades are possible.