Question What's the best online site for customisation of a build in the UK.

Well its been a long time since I posted here,
I am hoping some of you UK based guys can help me out with finding the best online retailer for customisation options.
I have built all my computers for years but to be honest I have not built one for almost a decade now so feel its probably best to just let a shop build the next one.
I would like suggestions for who you guys think offer the best set of options when using the build templates.
So most different motherboard options, largest selection of cases, that sort of thing.
No wrong answers here just want opinions then I can go google the sites and see what fits my needs.

Mac :)


Mar 2, 2023
Nothing much has changed in the last 10 years as far as building a computer is concerned. As before, you just had to select compatible hardware. At least with a pre-built, you're less likely to choose incompatible parts.

You don't mention the use for the new computer, e.g. video rendering rig, gaming computer, price range?
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Thank you for your reply.
I didn't go into details as its the shops rather than the parts I wanted suggestions for.
Pretty sure its going to be an i3 12 100F paired with an RX 6600 and 16GB Ram.
Very casual gaming World of Warships for one not exactly taxing on a system.
I just wanted the best place to get those parts with options for motherboards power supplies and cases etc.
A lot of places seem to have limited options for customisation.
Even selecting Custom build fails to let you choose from all the available options at some sites.

Mac :)