[SOLVED] What's the difference between these 2 connectors?

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Oct 13, 2012
Hey guys!

I was doing some cleanup of my older hardware and I noticed - among the many millions of cables that I had stockpiled on for god-knows what reasons - that 2 cables have similar shape, but only the number of pins differs. I did a bit of googling for the images so I can show you and I found these 2 images with are the EXACT replica of the 2 cables that I'm talking about... well, the connectors not the cables, but you get the idea :)


I noticed that these connectors work for some older MoBos, but are they the same thing? I mean, they're obviously not the same thing lol, but I want to know if it matters which one connects to a MoBo that supports these 2 connectors (because, apparently, both of them can connect to those MoBo), but what's the difference in performance between these 2? That's what I'd like to know because if there's a difference I'm going to get rid of the worse of them and keep only the better connector, there's no point in hoarding on outdated hardware :)

Both are DVI-D. The one on the left is single-link & on the right is dual-link. Unless you have a very high refresh rate monitor both perform exactly the same.
I have a monitor with 75 Hz. Is this "very high"?!? And which one performs better at high rates? I need to know which one to keep :)

Thanks for the answers by the way...
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