What's the difference between these monitors?


Nov 7, 2013
Ok, so I'm looking to buy a new monitor. I've found two that interest me at a good price.

The ASUS VN247H-P 23.6" which is found here: http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=22_1195_700_1103&item_id=057702

And the ASUS VE247H Black 23.6" which is found here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236112&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL112513&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL112513-_-EMC-112513-Index-_-LCDMonitors-_-24236112-L0E

As you can see, the second monitor is a much, much better deal.

I'm going to be using this monitor for gaming and I will be buying more then 1.

The thing that worries me about the second one is there are many reports of ghosting as well as the frame around it is very thick compared to the first one.

In the future I may end up getting a triple monitor display, will the bezel be a big issue with the second one?
Hello I have ASUS VN247H-P , the difference isa not much
1: the dynamic contrast ratio
VN247H-P: 50,000,000:1
VE247H : 10,000,000:1
2: horizontal refresh rate
VN247H-P: 80hz
VE247H: 83hz
3:built-in tv tuner
VN247H-P: yes
VE247H: no
4: deimentions
VN247H-P: 16.17" x 22.12" x 7.87"
VE247H: 16.13" x 22.42" x 7.91"
Generally the difference is about 10$ so I advise you go with VN247H-P
you might also want to take a look at this http://computer-monitors.findthebest.com/compare/723-727/ASUS-VS247H-P-vs-ASUS-VE247H
don't forget to close the post, when you feel you have no other questions
Hello I have ASUS VN247H-P , the difference isa not much
1: the dynamic contrast ratio
VN247H-P: 50,000,000:1
VE247H : 10,000,000:1
2: horizontal refresh rate
VN247H-P: 80hz
VE247H: 83hz
3:built-in tv tuner
VN247H-P: yes
VE247H: no
4: deimentions
VN247H-P: 16.17" x 22.12" x 7.87"
VE247H: 16.13" x 22.42" x 7.91"
Generally the difference is about 10$ so I advise you go with VN247H-P
you might also want to take a look at this http://computer-monitors.findthebest.com/compare/723-727/ASUS-VS247H-P-vs-ASUS-VE247H
don't forget to close the post, when you feel you have no other questions