What's the latest CPU officially supported for older Windows version?


Oct 13, 2014
So you all have heard that MS stop support Post-Skylake CPUs on Pre-Windows 10 OSes, my question is, how does the similar things happen on other Windows versions? For example, if I run Windows XP 64-bit on a Ivy-bridge CPU, will I experience any issue? Does that "officially" supported?
This is the first time we've actually had an architecture "limit" on an Operating System. Windows XP technically should be able to run on the latest CPUs, however I'm sure XP would freak out.

I'd say the latest architecture to support an old OS is when the architecture just above it no longer receives drivers for that operating system.
This is the first time we've actually had an architecture "limit" on an Operating System. Windows XP technically should be able to run on the latest CPUs, however I'm sure XP would freak out.

I'd say the latest architecture to support an old OS is when the architecture just above it no longer receives drivers for that operating system.