what's the most powerfull pc or ps4


Jun 23, 2014
for the pc we have r9 270x and fx 6300 versus the next gen consoles the ps4
my question is who can run games faster also in good graphics
The R9 270X is more powerful than a PS4 GPU, but the PS4 GPU has that extra VRAM to throw around, which'll help with unique optimization later in the life cycle of the PS4. What Leonell said is also correct, to an extent, but it doesn't make quite that big of a difference, since multiplatform PS4 games already lack just about as much optimization as typical PC games.

Overall, the R9 270X should manage better graphics and framerates than most PS4 games, barring a couple exclusives, like whatever Killzone game comes next.

The FX-6300 should hold up well enough in games using 6 cores, as the PS4 CPU is weaker. However, you can bet every PS4 exclusive and well developed multiplat is going to code their games to make use of every bit of...
Going by the specs you listed, I would think that they are pretty close performance wise. Some games will run 1080p fine and others may need a little lower resolution, such as 720p. The biggest difference is that with a PC you have a lot more control over the graphics. If you need to lower graphics to get more performance, you can. If you are running a game fine, you may be able to raise the graphics levels. With a console it is all pre set.
As sincreator has already mentioned, the specs are very very close in terms of performance. However, there is a hitch. The thing is that all the ps4's out there have exactly the same system configurations using exactly the same chips (excluding storage ofcourse) ...but there are a million pc configurations out there that will give you similar performance to the specs you listed. When developers make a game for a console, it is specifically optimized for the exact hardware that the console houses, this ensures a very very efficient running game. When developers develop a game for pc's, they have to keep alot of instructions open and the game is not as efficiently optimized because hardware configurations vary massively. This is also why console ports to pc are a pain to go through. Infact these console games are specifically written for that console. Even porting a PS3 exclusive to a PS4 is an absolute pain!....all the code has to be restructured, new instructions have to be written etc.
So, assuming that a game has exactly the same video settings for the console and pc both, same AA filtering, same lighting effects etc. on the same resolution as well, the console will give higher fps compared to a similar-spec pc simply because the game is written for the hardware
The R9 270X is more powerful than a PS4 GPU, but the PS4 GPU has that extra VRAM to throw around, which'll help with unique optimization later in the life cycle of the PS4. What Leonell said is also correct, to an extent, but it doesn't make quite that big of a difference, since multiplatform PS4 games already lack just about as much optimization as typical PC games.

Overall, the R9 270X should manage better graphics and framerates than most PS4 games, barring a couple exclusives, like whatever Killzone game comes next.

The FX-6300 should hold up well enough in games using 6 cores, as the PS4 CPU is weaker. However, you can bet every PS4 exclusive and well developed multiplat is going to code their games to make use of every bit of every core. Meanwhile, some PC games will continue to use 2 cores and 4 cores, forcing the FX CPUs down to 66% and 33% performance. If you want to beat the PS4's CPU throughout the lifespan, you'd need either a very high-tier i3 or a mid-tier i5, to ensure you're not wasting cores.
hmm yea...however rockraider, choosing between the pc and console based on graphical performance is like choosing between an F1 car and a SUV, they both serve their purposes well and are well suited to what surfaces they run on, based solely on horsepower, the SUV smashes the F1, but the F1 still runs faster on asphalt....anyways, point is that when you're deciding between console and pc, you need to consider more than graphics
1) what do your friends have?...pc or console?
2) having a gaming pc requires a certain bit of knowledge, you dont have to be a tech genius but if you're the kind of person who fears even opening the pc case can damage parts, or that if a hard drive fails you're completely going to freak out, honestly stay away from computers....there is a steep learning curve you have to go through but its perfectly possible and do-able
3) what sort of a gamer are you? if you're the casual type that just wants to chill out then go with consoles, it's kinda like MAC vs Windows (ignoring the price difference), MACs are easier to use, consoles are easier to use...simple...PCs are more of a passion sort of thing, you do it cause you love it
4) Can you afford a decent gaming pc?....pcs initially cost more than consoles, but that difference is covered up over time thanks to steam sales!
5) if you need both a computer (for work etc) and console for games, then you're better off getting one single gaming pc that will serve both purposes

tbh, the two big considerations might be 1) what your friends have...and 2) if you can cover that learning curve or not....