What's the next step to fix this overheating CPU?


Aug 10, 2015
My i5 4590 with stock cooler and paste has had it's max temps spike recently.

When it was new 2 years ago it peaked around 55 C. The last couple months it's been peaking at 65 C, but I figured that was normal. Yesterday I noticed it had hit 95 C under load and it now idles over 50 C.

Dust is cleaned, the fan's bearing seems fine (it's not making any extra noise). It is idling around 1500 RPM (That seems high?) and maxes at 2050 RPM when the CPU hits 70 C, the temp just slowly climbs after that.

The case fans are all working, the motherboard and hard drives hang around 30 C. The GPU idles at 34 C. I've confirmed the temps in the BIOS. It's about 22 C in the room.

I'm thinking of changing the fans around a bit to help, but I've used this fan setup with no problem for the 7 years I've had this case.

Would it need new thermal paste so soon? I've never had to re-apply thermal past in the dozen or so build's I've done but I know it needs done from time to time.

Am I missing something else I should try first?

I second that. Assuming you're getting adequate airflow through the case (case fans working properly, no dust buildup, decent cable management, correct fan placement and airflow direction, etc.), then the problem would be with the CPU cooler. I'm not a fan of stock coolers, but I've had a pretty good experience with the Hyper 212 Evo. Even if you didn't want to do an aftermarket mammoth like that one, you could start with some decent thermal paste and see if that solves the problem (Arctic Silver).

Agree. From an age perspective 2 years is pretty new for thermal paste. If the PC has been moved around a lot it could have caused some shifting or the thermal paste has dried out. I would start by puling the cooler and applying new thermal paste as a sanity check.
When I bought this one I figured I'd give the stock one a test to see how it does, especially since I'm not planning to overclock. It has been working fine, it's odd that it's so suddenly doing so poorly...

It hasn't been moved since I got a new GPU a couple months ago.

I've been tossing around the idea of getting a CPU cooler, I'd love to have this CPU last me as long as I can stand using it and keeping it even cooler might make sure it lasts.

I second that. Assuming you're getting adequate airflow through the case (case fans working properly, no dust buildup, decent cable management, correct fan placement and airflow direction, etc.), then the problem would be with the CPU cooler. I'm not a fan of stock coolers, but I've had a pretty good experience with the Hyper 212 Evo. Even if you didn't want to do an aftermarket mammoth like that one, you could start with some decent thermal paste and see if that solves the problem (Arctic Silver).
Huh... Seems my post didn't show up last night...

I opened the case and got some better lighting first found some dust chunks still in my CPU cooler. My can of air was almost out and didn't clean it as well as I thought it had the first time.

Then I fired up SpeedFan to test temperatures again and found one of my intake fans was dying. It wasn't making any sounds but it was spinning about 400 RPM instead of 800+ that it should have been spinning.

Next I found only the FAN1 slot adjusts the fan speed as the CPU temp increases. I had the CPU exhaust fan plugged in there, so it seemed when it sped up it would just pull more hot air towards the CPU and made it warm up a little more. So I switched FAN1 to an intake fan and it helped a little further. All this got the CPU back to idling in the 30s.

Finally I found I had installed my stock cooler wrong and it wasn't locked down... it really is a terrible design... It came loose while snapping it back in, but I tested it anyway and it's the CPU is idling below 30C. It still hits 65C during a stress test but it only hits about 40C while I'm gaming, so I'll just leave it how it is for now, with re-applying the paste next on my list if it starts misbehaving again.

Thanks for your help guys!