I’m browsing around in the forum somewhere I saw someone’s post about annoying green links. I didn’t know there were any, so I start up IE and check around. Feeling sorry for anyone who has to put up with this all the time, I start a thread to let people know that not only does Opera not render these annoying links, but also no-longer has an annoying banner add on the top. Opera is in fact free. So sorry if my first post here was too ambiguous. I guess the “=” just makes for confusion outside of math.
Then you come along and that IE doesn’t render green links. You didn’t say you had found a way to get rid of them, you in fact said “Internet Explorer = No Green Links” This is another example of the “=” sign causing confusion. I then put up a url to a screen-shot to show you that yes, there are these green links with IE, at least so far as I knew. You then put up a url. Not a url to a screen shot. Not a jpg, or gif, or bmp. <b>You put up a url to a html file.</b>
Now, here I made a mistake. I said: “You posted a url for crying out loud”.
Bad terminology.
I should have said something like: “That’s not a screen-shot!”
My mistake.
You then go on to show that you can put up posts faster than you can read them. No need to show me that, I had figured that out already. And since you <i>attempted</i> to show me a screen shot of a greenie-free IE I figured you were probably telling the truth, so I googled it. I don't need your help 4ryan6, I'm greenie free with Opera. I'm sure others would like to know how you got rid of them, but I don't care. Keep it to yourself if it makes you happy.
Kill the free variable! Death to X5! There is only the trivial solution. We will be independent!