Whats Wrong With Microsoft?!?!?



I recently helped my friend install his new 1Ghz athlon system with a geoforce2 and 256 mb ram. the hard drive was 13 gigs and the other stuff doesn't matter. the only thing changed on the system was the ram (from 64MB on his old 500 athlon, to 256 mb) and of course the proccesor and mobo. the system booted fine, and loaded all of the new hardware w/o any problems whatsoever. but then on the second startup, it gave a windows protection error, and it wouldn't let us go any further. We could load safe mode, and access the computer like that, but in the end the only way to fix it was to format it, and reinstall windows....

so none-theless, i just got a 128 MB DIMM of ram for my 800 mhz athlon, i already have a pc-133 128 stick in the machine, and it works fine. I bout my new pc-133 stick and put it in my machine expecting a safe and clean boot. Both sticks are micron certified ram btw. IT booted, and went through all the checks fine, as its loading windows i get the message on a black screen "windows protection error - you need to restart your computer" PLEASE HELP!! i don't know what to do, i've tried bios settings, its on an ABIT Ka7v mobo w/ an athlon 800 mhz. IF any of you have had similar problems and have been able to fix it w/o formatting, please let me know


Which Windows operating system is running on your computer? Is there anything important on your hard drive that prevents you from wanting to format and reinstalling?


Dec 31, 2007
Well your freinds problem is completely understandable. You should have started new anyways. You could have gone in safe mode and deleted all the devices and then let windows find everything, this usualy will do the trick. Your problem is a little diff however, sounds like you got either a bad stick of ram or a bad ram slot. have you tried taking the dimm out? When you do do you still get the error? If not then remove the original, replace it with the new and only the new. Then do you get an error? If yes bad ram, if no bad ram slot.

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing!


Yes, The ram is good, i've verified that by using both sticks alone, and they both rn the system fine. last night i got my system to start using both sticks, for a total of 256 MB of ram, and it ran, booted, but as it was loading the windows login screen, it gave a message that it needed to re-install all of these devices, like onboard CPU devices and all this other crap....it started to install, and then all the sudden it gave a msgrv32 error, and it froze, i then gave up for the night. I am running Win98SE, and i just have lots of files on my hard drive, that i really cannot delete, i have an extra 45 gig drive, but right now its partitioned as NTFS file format, and I have heard people have problems reading NTFS file formats, and I don't know what program to use to translate between fat32 and ntfs. Please help i'd like to have this up and running by this weekend, i have a burner and i'm burning all the stuff i need onto cd's but with lack of time it takes a while, and its a 36 gig drive, and its about full, so thats a lotta cd's to burn, i'd like to be able to fix it w/o formatting.


Dec 31, 2007
Its never a good idea to install a new mainboard on top of an already existing installation. Only BAD things and headaches can happen. And even when you due get it up and running, you system will never be really stable, as Windows may still attempt to use functions and hardware found on the older motherboard.

The Windows Protectio error : you must reboot you computer is really a generic error message and can happen when anything(drivers..ect) fails to load into windos, and windows doesnt know how to recover.

FIND a way to save those files, because a fresh install is the only way to go.

You can also re-install windows98 without losing your data files, and just replacing system files but again be careful!!

Duron 650@896
128MB pc133@149cas2
Antect s1030/sblive+