what's wrong with my graphic card?

Da Nabas

Feb 23, 2015
my graphic card got updated one day and now the screen keeps going off then on with the taskbar very big, then turns off and on and everything is back to normal. it does that quite a lot mostly when i'm watching a video or playing video games. tried to get an older driver for the GPU but nothing is working. it's really annoying how can i fix it?

my system:
CPU: intel core i5-4570
motherboard: MSI B85-g43 gaming
corsair dominator 8GB
MSI nvidia geforce gtx 750 ti
Sounds like it's re-sizing the desktop resolution. Not sure what would cause that off the top of my head, but you can try to uninstall the driver. Windows start menu, control panel, device manager, under display adapter and the 750ti properties there is an uninstall driver option. Choose that, follow prompts and eventually reboot then install the older driver if you want. There is a more involved, better way to uninstall but I don't remember that one off the top of my head.

That might fix the issue though.

yeah that's exactly what's happening, the resolution keeps changing :\
i did what you said and installed the driver i got with the graphic card, and it automatically updated it self again <_< i tried to play after this and nothing is happening so far, no changing in the resolution anymore, hopefully it will stay like this :) if it didn't though, could it be my screen it self? i have some kind of an old screen and it doesn't have that good resolution, could it be the problem?
It wouldn't be the screen exactly, but it might be having to do with how the video card is adapting to the resolution your screen is set at. Or it could be that and a conflict with the updating a driver when another was already installed. As long as it's not giving you issues, don't look too far into it. I'm guessing you are using a CRT monitor probably?

yeah it might be :\ i'll just uninstall the driver un plug the graphic card and replug it somewhere else on the motherboard (i have more than one input) and i'll see if that solve it :)
hahahahahhahahaha xDD nah man i have this one http://www.lge.com/br/monitores/lg-W1942SM-monitores-lcd-widescreen now i'm testing another screen a sanyo vizon and i can't tell if it's solved or not O_O

i actually have two O_O :) yeah you right 😀 i switched back to my LG monitor and the result is fine for now
update: nope it's back like it used to be -_- *sigh*