pimpanther Distinguished May 14, 2014 447 0 18,780 Aug 3, 2015 #1 got 4 4gb 1866MHz and all was fine they had timings of 9,10 9 27 and 48 now they are 9 13 13 34 and 150 cpuz supplied.from a worried man
got 4 4gb 1866MHz and all was fine they had timings of 9,10 9 27 and 48 now they are 9 13 13 34 and 150 cpuz supplied.from a worried man
MarkW Judicious Dec 7, 2009 6,308 0 32,960 Aug 3, 2015 #2 What did you change? Did you reset your BIOS and forget to turn XMP back on? Upvote 0 Downvote
Tradesman1 Legenda in Aeternum Jun 5, 2013 67,881 41 126,960 Aug 3, 2015 #3 What mobo, CPU and model number of the DRAM Upvote 0 Downvote
pimpanther Distinguished May 14, 2014 447 0 18,780 Aug 5, 2015 #4 MarkW : What did you change? Did you reset your BIOS and forget to turn XMP back on? yes thats exactly what happened mark.thanks for answering Upvote 0 Downvote
MarkW : What did you change? Did you reset your BIOS and forget to turn XMP back on? yes thats exactly what happened mark.thanks for answering