Whats wrong with my screen?

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Assuming the LCD ribbon is in fact the problem, you should be able to replace it on your own by following the guide here . The linked site also advertises the part for about $25.

Good Luck!
Here are some possibilities:

1. Display adapter driver may need updating (Very unlikely)
2. Damaged inverter
3. Damaged motherboard
4. Damaged Graphics Processing Unit (A.K.A. Video Card (if one is installed))

Connect laptop/notebook to an external monitor and see if the display looks better on the external. If so, the problem isn't in the driver.
Yes. The problem is very likely the electrical ribbon (sorry, I don't recall the correct name for this) that connects the screen to the motherboard. The most probable cause for the damage is opening the lid too quickly. The speed isn't the problem so much as is the force behind the speed. It is possible this component is slightly torn.


Feb 8, 2014
That makes sense, the kids borrowed it to play a game and swear they never dropped it or anything, Do you know if I can buy that separately or do I have to buy whole new screen??
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