What's Your Favorite Piece of Hardware?

I had an excellent AGP card which was top of the line back in 2007, it was probably the best piece of hardware I've ever owned.

IBM Model M keyboard. Still have two of them, and I use one of them at work.

If a peripheral doesn't count, then my vote goes towards my workstation's Chenming ATX-801F case.


I love comfy keyboards to type on. If the keys are too stiff, it's a pain in the ***. Also it's gotta have a good support for the hands while typing and sit still and firm on the desk.
Favourite piece of hardware... Probably the old Apple G4 Cube sitting on the shelf behind me. SFF case with bottom to top direction airflow, many many years before either concept became popular/mainstream. There still isn't a PC case in existence that I know of that offers all three of those things: cube case, SFF, bottom to top airflow. The trash can mac pro is a thermal nightmare, even if it is the closest thing to the G4 Cube in terms of form factor and thermal design.

And I like this G403 wireless I bought about a week ago. If it weren't so narrow (I've got big hands) I'd say it's the best mouse hands down. I have to claw it to be comfortable, and I usually palm the living daylights out the mice I use.
I know: sometimes the batteries seem to go very fast - especially any generic brand batteries were included.

For the most part, it is easy to change the batteries (generally AA) and I am well atuned to the weird behavior when the keyboard or mouse batteries weaken.

My present keyboard combo ( Microsoft 5050) has an LED indicator for low battery. Well and good but the bigger problem I am having is that the lettering wears off of the keys very quickly.
I also had an old DFI motherboard when I was running an Athlon XP 1500+ that was great. It was still very simple, had dip-switches for changing bus speed, but it ran great until I <mod edit> up and bought a cheap <mod edit> PSU that killed my mobo and a new video card.

<You have been a member here long enough to know better than to use that language in these forums>
A Microsoft Joystick I bought back in 1998, it wasn't even usb at the time but I used it until 2012. It was so precise and ergonomic.
I played a little of everything with that, from NBA games to soccer games to racing simulators mainly.